Case Solved
No Difference

How do you educate your students about accepting others that do not have the same color of skin? I teach in a school that is made up mostly of Caucaisan students and we recieved a new student who is Indian and the students act like he has 3 legs and 4 arms.

Solution #1
Top Solution
I teach in a similar situation. I have found that when a student is from a different culture many times the students treat them this way because they are uneducated on that culture/ethnicity that is unlike their own. A possible solution would be to have the new student tell others about their culture so the student can better understand that student's background. Usually students when they know more about a student that is not like them, they begin to feel more comfortable around that student. Also, you could incorporate that culture into your lessons in some way so these students are learning broader information about that culture.

I think its good to introduce different cultures to young students so they understand that people may look different but we are alike.

I think this is a good idea. Allowing the new student to introduce himself and share a little about him and where he is from will allow for a positive welcoming in the classroom.

Solution #2
Top Solution
Students have to understand that they are all different everyone has to accept each other. One way I did this in my class is I took different colored eggs and talked to the students about diversity in race and cultures. I even had the kids help me decorate each egg with different clothing. Then I broke the eggs to show that they are all the same. Another way is to reach the students through literature. Read some books about being different and how it feels to be different.
Solution #3
Depending on the class you teach, you can incorporate activities about culture; I understand this may be easier to do in some classes than others. Students can complete research activities that tie into the standards to explore various cultures and learn to appreciate differences. The more that students learn about other cultures, the more they can see similarities between their classmates.
Solution #4
Bringing diversity into the classroom through lessons! Educate your students on the cultures. Show the beauty of different areas of the world, and engage them. Allow students to use your classroom as a safe space to ask questions (prepare yourself for answers). explain to them that everyone is different, but we are also the same (human). Have students look at the person next to them and write down 5 differences between their appearance and personality and 5 similarities between their appearance and personality. Have the paired students share with the class.
Solution #5
Having grown up in a similar environment, much it comes from letting everyone be themselves. If they a student is being excluded because of skin color then help show the others why they are no different help find common ground for all.
Solution #6
I would seek help from different types of books! There are books about being different and how friends are different but still friends. I find these books to be helpful because students are able to relate to the readings and discuss after in a group setting what they got from the book.
Solution #7
I would tell the other students that making fun of another student is not okay. I would give my students a background lesson on India and other countries. These students need to know that it hurts peoples feelings to get made fun of. They wouldn't like it if they were that student. I would try to convey that message as much as possible.
Solution #8
I would ask the students how they would feel if they were the only white kid in the class and if they would like everyone treating them and looking at them the way they look at this student.
Solution #9
Have the student tell about himself so they can see he isnt different from anyone else.
Solution #10
Allow the students to get to know the student. Have him introduce himself and tell about his culture. To help with accepting others it would be a good idea to have different mini lessons about all kinds of different cultures, especially cultures that they may run into on an everyday basis.
Solution #11
There are many 'books about diversity. I would begin a lesson with this and then have students ahre different things about their culture.
Solution #12
You could assign each student a cultural research project. Students will have to go through the research process (using credible sources), and they can develop a creative visual aid of their choice to show what they have learned. This could be presented to the class, so all students will be exposed to various cultures around the world. Your new student will be assigned a culture different from his own, so he will not be singled out. Another neat idea is to set up online pen pals through Students can communicate with other students their age on different continents.