RTI Dilemma

A fourth grade teacher teaches all subject areas. The self-contained class includes many students who are below grade-level in Math and Reading. The teacher is moving through the tiers of intervention. Several of the students are in tier 2, while others are in tier 3. The teacher has provided some programmatic interventions for each student. The instructional coach feels that the teacher needs to consistently work one-on-one with each student to meet each of their needs. The teacher feels like there is not enough time to systematically address the needs of each student in the necessary subject areas and maintains that the interventions for each student need to be programmatic. Is there common ground?

Solution #1
While there is not way to work one-on-one with each student every day in every subject you teach, you can set up a schedule for the week. Each student will receive one-on-one instructional time with the teacher at least one per week for a set amount of time. This can be done while the class is working independently, or it can also be done when the class is going through rotations in an activity. The teacher can offer tutoring hours after school, and the parents can be notified. This can be schedule for students as well. The easiest way, although this is not one-on-one, is to place students in small groups homogenously for some lessons/activities and heterogeneously for other lessons/activities. You want to mix it up so that the students do not detect who is in the "smart group" and vice versa. Depending on the skill you are targeting, homogenous groups allow you to rotate and work with 3-4 students at a time that are one the same level and/or have the same deficiencies. Grouping students heterogeneously also allows you to rotate and see what the students are learning from each other. Peer tutors are great as well! We can't do it all, but there are strategies you can use to target as many instructional needs as possible.
Solution #2
There never seems to be enough time to accomplish all of our work as teachers, and meeting one-on-one with struggling students is difficult at best. You could possibly reevaluate your daily and/or weekly schedule and how you include RTI. During your small group time, you could focus on meeting with individual students in math for two days per week and in reading for the other three. Establish some sort of rotation system so that you are not trying to meet individually every day with students who are struggling in multiple subjects.
Solution #3
Some strategies allow for students to work with a high achieving buddy. For example, paired reading is a great strategy for reading fluency that students can do in pairs, without the teacher.
Solution #4
Is it possible that instead of meeting one-on-one with all those students that you can create small groups of maybe 3 to teach the intervention and then if a student is still struggling in that group you continue to work a little longer with that particular student for a few more minutes? It is very difficult for one teacher to meet one on one with all of her students consistently. Could the instructional coach come help with some intervention during part of her day? Our coaches help in various classrooms during their day.