
I have an ESOL student in my inclusion class. He is very low academically and struggles to retain information. He is receiving assistance through our school ESOL and Migrant programs, but it is not helping. His grades are suffering badly. We took a vocabulary quiz the other day and he missed every single question. What are some things I can do to motivate him to study more? I know the language barrier for him is tough, but he is not putting forth much effort.

Solution #1
Top Solution
You can use pictures to help him associate new vocabulary to his native language.

Thank you. I have not thought of that.

Great simple and helpful solution!

Great simple and helpful solution!

That is a great idea and something that I was caught in my internship!

Solution #2
There are several techniques and strategies we use at my school to help ESOL learners. This actually happened in my classroom. Have you thought about peer instruction? Maybe getting another student in your class or another student in an older grade to come help him. Setting a goal with him may help as well, something we would enjoy or like to do. Then working together to achieve that goal.

Thank you for your help.

I would exactly do this

I like this and also number 1, including pictures with it.

If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.

Working with a peer is something that can be extremely helpful because the students tend to work well when they are allowwed to work together!

Solution #3
I would recommend three things. First, continue to build a relationship with that student so you can gain an understanding of who he is, where he came from, and what he wants. He needs to feel like you are his ally, and he can count on you. Second, I would identify a peer who speaks his language so he can have an opportunity to continue to engage and grow his native language. Finally, identify a native English speaker who can be used in partner reads and to help provide other guidance when needed.

great idea

Solution #4
To begin, its important to build a positive relationship with the student. This is a difficult time for the student as the transition from their native language and culture to American culture is drastic. If the student has low motivation, perhaps incorporate artifacts from their native language or culture such as picture books, posters, signs, etc. Include a multicultural corner in your classroom with books and information about other cultures. This may help the student feel more at home and increase their feeling of belonging, because they will feel that you and their peers care about them.
Solution #5
First off, provide this concern to the ESOL teacher, she will know how to handle this situation. As an ESOL student, their English vocabulary is low, so working will this can be difficult. Providing pictures with the vocabulary word can help because of visuals. Having group work can be good to use.
Solution #6
I have heard of success stories with students who have low motivation when they become more involved in activities that require the use of English while combining something familiar or fun for them, such as playing a sport, an art class, music, etc. If your school offers any of these types of activities, his involvement could motivate him and provide a natural environment for acquiring the language.

I would exactly do this

I would never do this! This is wrong!