I teach Honors and next year will teach an AP course. I struggle with the level of rigor within my classroom. I know at times I am too "soft" on the students, but I want the students to learn and enjoy the experience. I do not want to beat them over the head with "extra" work which many times is what taking Honors means. What are some ways I can rise my rigor without it just being extra work?
Thank you.
I agree with you. The projects would be a better way to handle the classwork. The projects could be extended as well over an entire unit.
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
Making the work meaningful is a good idea.
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
Thank you. I do love using technology which they enjoy.
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
I would focus on covering information or topics in depth as opposed to covering as many topics as possible. This may not be beneficial if you're concerned about AP test scores, but it could work for honors type classes. Additionally, don't waste time doing what students already know how to do. Keeping their minds working without cluttering them with busy stuff is what will make them enjoy the class.
Thank you to you both. Great suggestions!
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.