I have a student who is excellent in the classroom and goes above and beyond to excel in his work. This student has a learning disability and struggles with reading and word association. As a result, this young man does not like to present in front of the class for obvious reasons. I typically let him present to just me, which he is OK with, yet I still feel that I need to find a way to help him overcome his fear. What are some ways that I could help boost his confidence?
This is a great idea and sounds like a great way to help the student grow in a small group.
Good solution.
This is exactly what I would do. Building confidence in small doses just mig be what he needs to help him get over his fear.
not sure that this is the best solution that was presented given the childs difficulties. I feel that other steps need to be taken before the child presents to his peers
Right. If you stay in your comfort zone, you never grow.
I agree wholeheartedly with this solution. Love the idea of the child getting positive feedback from his peers.
Presenting in small groups may help boost confidence and ease into presenting to groups. Maybe the number in a group can gradually increase.