Case Solved
Home Visits

Our school wants us to do home visits for every child in our classroom but we have such a high Hispanic population and not enough translators. How can we make these home visits worthwhile?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Translate any documents that the teacher needs to go over. Brush up on some commonly used phrases. Tell the parents that you cannot speak Spanish, but wanted to introduce yourself. Also if the child can speak English and Spanish, let them be the translator. Just by showing some effort the parents will appreciate it.

This is a great solution. You're helping the parent with the translated documents and also being respectful.

I like the translating of the document and learning simple phrases or phrases you would usually use to let the parents know you care even if you don't speak Spanish.

Solution #2
I will suggest to translate any document, or the translation of the reason why the teacher is doing the home visit. That way, the teacher will be able to address everything with parents. Another option is to send home the announcement about the teacher doing a home visit, and asking parents if they have any relative hat is bilingual, so she/he could be there the day of the visit.
Solution #3
Try and find a translator to help you or even have the child try to translate for you. I think it would be important to go even with the language barrier. You could bring documents that are translated to the parents native language to look over. Even learning how to say a few things in their first language could make a difference.
Solution #4
I think you will just have to space them out enough to have the translator there.
Solution #5
I find the idea of home visits to be unusual, and more in line with social workers; however these visits can be made worthwhile if you structure a plan and a realistic goal to achieve, rather than just "visiting". Ask your self the why, and how you can accomplish the why?
Solution #6
Smart devices such as phone's, tablets, and computers have app that translate languages.
Solution #7
Don't forget about incorporating technology in your home visit. Google translate can be used to translate (or Spanish-English dictionary) simple phrases to let the parents know you care.

Good idea there is alot of translating software available even through our cell phones.

I like the google translate part it can be shared between you and the parents if a translator isnt avablie when the parents are.