A high school student has been sent to the office and in-school detention (ISD) multiple times for making sexual noises, hand-gestures, and comments during class. This has been addressed with the student's mother, administrators, the counselor, and the school social worker. The other day, this same student was caught exposing the complete right side of his rear-end to two female students at the beginning of class as everyone was filing in. He had his pants and underwear pulled down completely on the right side. The teacher immediately sent the student to the office for indecent exposure, and the student walked away with only 2 days of in-school suspension. The teacher does not feel that the infractions are receiving the appropriate consequences, and the student's behavior continues to worsen. What should the teacher do?
I agree with you every thing needs to be documented and the administration needs to be involved.
I would not involve other students any more than I had to.