Sick Day or Personal Day?

In your district you get three personal days per year, and you have already earned all three. You would like to go out of town for a long weekend with some friends and would need to take Friday off to do so. Is it ethical to call in "sick" for this day even though you are not actually sick?

Solution #1
Top Solution
This is not ethical, and if you are caught you could lose your job. This goes back to providing false information and is considered stealing time. I recommend planning the trip around a school holiday to keep from getting any negative backlash from an attempt at a good time!
Solution #2
Please take a personal day! Some school administrators will come back asking for a doctor's note after the fact to prove you were sick. Plus, you do not want your administration team to hear or see pictures from your trip.

I agree take it off as a personal day, then there are no question of ethics.

I also agree, just take a personal day.

I think it was mentioned that all 3 personal days were taken already.

It is not worth losing you job over, so I say personal day is most appropriate.

Solution #3
No, this is not ethical. My advice is be honest and take whatever decision administration gives you. Being a teacher is difficult and so are the hours, but it's what we choose.
Solution #4
It is not worth losing your job over. Be honest and do not be selfish, your students are expected to show up every day, you are too.
Solution #5
No, this is not ethical. If you were to be caught you could lose your job.
Solution #6
If you are not actually sick it is unethical. You should only use the sick days for actual sickness.
Solution #7
This is definitely a personal day. If you are out of personal days then suck it up and wait for a long weekend to come. Sick days are tricky and should be saved.
Solution #8
As much as you would want to, do not do that. The fact that this question is being asked means you have your doubts. You are outright lying and could lose your job.
Solution #9
this is definitely unethical. You are lying to your principle and administration about your situation and that does not help with trust if they ever found out. Also you are taking a day of learning away from students who may need it or help you catch up. You also lose a sick day you may actually need.
Solution #10
It is ethical to call in sick, if you are sick. If not, utilize your personal day.
Solution #11
This is not ethical because it is lying. If you are not sick you need to report to work, the future of numerous students depends on you. Having fun is not worth the amount of knowledge a student can miss out on.
Solution #12
I don't think this is unethical. It is left up to the discretion of the educator to determine this. I do believe that teaching is a quite rewarding job. However, it can be also quite stressful and draining. Therefore, taking a "sick" day to get your mind together after a long, stressful week is very beneficial to both the teacher and students.

I think he should just be honest and say he needs to take a personal day. Save the sick days in case you need them

Solution #13
Personally, I feel that these days are your days to do whatever you want with... whether you are sick or not. I feel that we need those days where you take off and go with your friends in order to not become sick..or physically drained.