My administration has made it very clear that they do not approve of recess except on Fridays. I teach a class of 25 rowdy 8 year old kids. I am a firm believer in the fact that they need a break. I have been stopping and doing a Just Dance break after lunch, but I always feel like I have to sneak around and hope to not get caught. Am I wrong for wanting my students to have a break?
I agree with this, Kids should be allowed to move around and exercise. They can't be stuck inside all day long.
It is unfair to both the student's and teacher's to not have a break. Knowledge about the issues is the best way to go.
These are some really great ideas that I will definitely be using!
No recess or PE? That's very, very sad! Like many other solutions have included, I would gather the research and present it to your administration. Research shows that students need to be active in order to boost their brain power.
I agree with this, this is a better solution.
That is crazy how schools do not allowed any form of exercise for the children.