Discussing the surrounding world...

Being a social science teacher requires me to communicate with my students the many events and current situations that are happening in society and/or surrounding world. With that being said, I found it important to discuss the recent cases of police shooting and brutality against young African American males in urban areas in the U.S. The topic prompted many questions as well as a great class discussion. However, it also brought many of my students to tears. Should I have discussed this topic or was it appropriate to discuss despite the emotional response?

Solution #1
I believe that all current events should be discussed so students are more aware of what is happening in the real world. Do not be afraid or discouraged when students get upset. Instead focus on the positives of the discussion and how much your students learned. I try to always balance my current event discussions with those that are tough and then add in some fun/silly things so the mood lightens. Students can get emotional about anything and everything so do not let that stop you from discussing what is happening outside the walls of your school.
Solution #2
Being an African American, and a student I think that it is important to discuss this type of thing in class, within limits. Students need to know that the world is bigger than the walls of their school and that the things going on are real. I think that having an emotional response is a good thing because it means the students are listening and connecting.
Solution #3
I think it's great to discuss real life topics such as this. It's also great that you got your class so involved. I would just follow the discussion out with a happy more pleasant one in hopes of bringing up spirits.
Solution #4
I think that it is important to discuss current events in the classroom. It teaches them that staying informed and educated is a positive habit. I would be sure to also include positive, less controversial events in future lessons.