Manipulative Student

I have a student who went through some trouble at home in the past. He is very manipulative and deceitful when it comes to behavior. He will say vulgar things all the time, steal, bring weapons to school, and hurt other students. Whenever he is confronted about it, he begins crying and saying it is because of family problems. He claims other students are making fun of him and bullying him because of these issues, but I know for a fact that the students he is targeting have no idea of his past home situation. I have referred him to the counselor and administration, but they all come back and say he is just very upset about his home life. I will sit in on these meetings, however, and when the principal or counselor looks away, he will stop crying and smile and wink at me. When they turn back around, he begins crying again. He is to the point now where he is found torturing small animals and insects at recess. Everyone above me attributes it to his emotional problems. What can I do to solve this before someone is really endangered?

Solution #1
Be sure to document all of these issues and present the data to administration. You may want to look into child services if there is nothing being done at home about these situations. If the child is not in the RTI process, start that now so you can begin the road to psychological testing, which may show his true issues.

Thats a great idea! Thanks I will most definitely use that in the future.

Solution #2
If you are not getting the support you need from your adiminstration I would definitely contact protective services. First of all, torturing small animals can be the beginning of something much more terrible. Second of all, are you sure that the student's homelife is any better than before? And, finally, it is your responsibility to report any behavior like this to protective services. It sounds like you have taken all the steps to help this student and maybe it is just too big of a problem for you to handle.

Thats a great idea! Thanks I will most definitely use that in the future.

Solution #3
You are in a tough spot as a teacher with this situation. It is good that administration is on board but the manipulation of the student is not helping the situation because the student is fooling administration. At this point I would document all issues that arise and begin to seriously think about calling protective services. They may already be involved but it would be in the child's best interest to have counseling outside the school and someone checking in on him at home.
Solution #4
You should document everything because this will be important to show to everyone involved. I would go to the principal and have them review the documentation and then it would be best to have the school counselor involved to have a meeting with the parents so that they can know what is happening and that this issue can be resolved so no one is endangered when this kid's behavior escalates to the next level.
Solution #5
With the way the world is today, bringing weapons to school is what concerned me them most in your situation. He is a danger to himself and to other students and possibly you and I am not sure why administration would look away. You can contact the parents and let them know what is going on and if it does not stop than you will be contacting DCF. You are doing this student a favor. If you do not feel comfortable letting the parents know that you will be contacting DCF, than just make an anonymous call. This student needs help right away.
Solution #6
I would defiantly document the work and the situation. This will show that the student is obviously not doing well. The student may need a social worker to talk to about the home life. The administrators need to stop turning the other cheek if the situation is getting worse. I would talk to the admin, a social worker, behavioral specialist etc.