With the Common Core Math standards, there are many new methods of solving problems, and students are learning those new ways daily in class. Students take home their math homework, and parents are clueless about how to help their students complete it. How do you educate parents on the new ways of doing math and discourage them from only teaching their children the algorithms or formulas for solving problems?
That is a great idea. If you don't want to start a blog, you could start a youtube channel instead, and post videos there.
Videos are a great idea! I know that I, personally, reach out to YouTube to troubleshoot most problems I have, so it makes sense to have one available to parents, as well.
This is a great idea! You can help teach the parents how to help their kids.
I agree! Sending a packet or a sort of answer key to help the parents understand would be really helpful.
While this helps parents understand why the new teachings are in place, it does not explain how to help them understand exactly how the new methods work.