Help! They Have Homework!

With the Common Core Math standards, there are many new methods of solving problems, and students are learning those new ways daily in class. Students take home their math homework, and parents are clueless about how to help their students complete it. How do you educate parents on the new ways of doing math and discourage them from only teaching their children the algorithms or formulas for solving problems?

Solution #1
Top Solution
You may want to start a blog and incorporate videos on how to solve the math problems in the way that is presented in the standard. This is a problem that my colleagues and I have come across as well and the videos that we created are very helpful to the parents. All parents may not have computers at home, but most have smartphones that are applicable to watch the videos as well.

That is a great idea. If you don't want to start a blog, you could start a youtube channel instead, and post videos there.

Videos are a great idea! I know that I, personally, reach out to YouTube to troubleshoot most problems I have, so it makes sense to have one available to parents, as well.

Solution #2
Send out emails and letters asking if parents would like tutorials. You may be able to send out a powerpoint helping parents, or even take one night and invite parents to a "class" in your classroom and teach them as well. This puts all parents and you the teacher on the same page and you know the parents are willing to help their child learn.

This is a great idea! You can help teach the parents how to help their kids.

Solution #3
I would check to see if your county has a parent letter for each new unit of study. My county provides a parent letter that explicitly explains what the unit will cover, with, and the goals for the learner. Additionally, the letter provides links and other resources that parents can use to support their student in addition to asking the teacher for support. Lastly, check to see if your school offers any workshops for parents. M school just recently hosted a Math Boot Camp for parents and guardians. Each grade level met in various areas of the school to focus on content and skill. It was a huge success.
Solution #4
If possible, send home the notes your students took that day. Also, post or send home resources that can help the parents understand. A quick Youtube video can go a long way!
Solution #5
There are so many online resources and youtube videos to help parents with the Common Core ways of teaching math. Send home or email resources and ask the parents to take a look at these. You could also offer an evening for parents to "come to class" and see the reasoning behind Common Core, as well as show them how to locate resources to help their student.
Solution #6
I feel like that's your job. Its their job to teach them the basics, but parents are not in school. You need to teach the student the new ways.
Solution #7
Possibly give the students the lesson plan that you have set up for the students. this way, the parent can see how you are working out the problems and be sure to copy this format when teaching their child.
Solution #8
I would send useful information for the parents so they could have a "beginner's guide" to the new Common Core standards

I agree! Sending a packet or a sort of answer key to help the parents understand would be really helpful.

Solution #9
I would send home an email or powerpoint explaining why there are new ways of teaching math and have some examples so the parents have a better understanding.

While this helps parents understand why the new teachings are in place, it does not explain how to help them understand exactly how the new methods work.