I have a teacher's child in my classroom this year. He is extremely smart and capable, however, has a very hard time getting anything done in the classroom. When I have conversations with his teacher mom, she does not seem concerned with this. If I send the work home with him, it does not get completed or returned. Our school has a strict policy on not taking away recess from students, and I have tried setting a time on his desk, walking by him and redirecting him often, and moving his desk closer to me. Nothing has worked. How can I push this child to his fullest potential and help his mother realize that he is very capable but lacks motivation?
This is an great solution! i will definitely use this in my classroom.
I find myself not wondering if the student is challenged enough. I find that if a student is challenged they tend to shut down. That is also dependent on the student and their situation and values. Regardless, communication with the student is helpful.
This is an great solution! i will definitely use this in my classroom.
Getting the parents involved is always a great solution.