You are a teacher at the High School level. Several of your student express their anger at another teacher expressing her religious beliefs to her class. More than one student has stated that a teacher in a previous class that day told an openly gay student that he was going to Hell because of his sexual orientation. What should be done?
I think that the teacher needs to do a better job a keeping their personal beliefs separate from teaching. Their job is to educate students and if their personal beliefs get in the way of that then they are honestly in the wrong profession!
I agree with this solution. No child should ever have to deal with this from someone who should be supporting them. This should be brough to administations attention immediatly.
I dont think that, as educators, we are entiled to our opinion infront of the students. Our job is to teach them how to form their own opinions, not force our on them.
I agree and would do the same.