I have a student who is really involved in baseball. He repeatedly does not bring in his homework and tells me he does not have time because he has baseball practice and games every night. When I spoke to his parents, they told me baseball was his passion and his dream and they supported that. They said they would work on the homework issue. It has been three weeks since I had that conversation and nothing has changed. How can I stress to this child's parents that education should be a priority above baseball and how important it is to complete and submit his homework each week in a more effective way.
Yes, let them understand that without the grades there will be no baseball later on in his school life. This will make a change for sure. Great suggestion!
I agree! School always comes first.
I agree! A compromise should be made.
I agree! Homework comes first.
I agree! Grades are more important.
Time management is super important so teaching it early is key.
Homework should always come before extracurricular so your idea is great.