I have a co-worker who has a 2nd student who urinates in his pants to draw attention to himself. He comes from a home where his parents are not very supportive and he is not given a lot of attention. The teacher has gotten the counselor involved, but there has not been very much progress made. It has gotten to the point where it is happening several times a week. What can this teacher do to correct this behavior since there is no support from the parents and the boy is constantly seeking attention?
I agree that you need to replace the negative behavior with positive behavior. First the teacher should enlist the guidance counselors help to determine that there is not a more serious issue at home causing the attention seeking behavior. If no, then starting a reward system using attention as part of the reward system is a great idea. The teacher and the guidance counselor should determine what type of attention the student needs then it could be incorporated as parts of the reward system. It could be something as simple as reading the student a story or listening to him or her about their day.