Class Bully

Mr. McDaniel has a student who has gotten in trouble several times for bullying other kids in the classroom. Several parents have contacted him to complain about this particular child bullying their child. The student has already been suspended twice this year for bullying, and his parents have not been able to correct the situation from home. The counselor has also been involved and the child has been placed in a group to try and figure out why he is bullying. What can Mr. McDaniel do to help the situation in the classroom and to reduce the amount of bullying that is taking place.

Solution #1
Top Solution
You may want to consider creating a positive reinforcement behavior chart. In my classroom, students who are on a behavior plan, have the opportunity to earn 5 points/subject including hallway, lunch, and specials behavior. If the student receives an average of 25 points by the end of the week, they are given the option to receive candy or they can visit the prize box Friday afternoon. The prize box does not need to be anything elaborate, just a few Dollar Store nick-nacks.
Solution #2
I personally do not tolerate bullying. I would talk to the parent, and ask what they suggest. Can you separate this child during group time? Also talk to the parent about finding things that interest this student. Often students with aggression do not have enough stimulation. Try using small but interesting activities to capture this student. Also find ways to alter this behavior, for every mean thing the student says have them come up with something positive to say to someone.

I would also take these actions in the classroom, great solution.

Yes, the student might not be as stimulated as he should be. Finding out their interests might be a good way to solve this problem.

Yes this is a great solution and way to take action.

Solution #3
I think having a lesson on bullying in the classroom would be a great idea. I also think that giving that student a behavioral checklist and earns a prize if they complete for example 4 out of the 5 tasks. I believe it is important to talk one on one with each student and have a meeting with both students and their parents if it continues.
Solution #4
This student has been suspended for the action that continues to cause problems for other students. Now parents are complaining about the bullying that their students are dealing with in the classroom. This is a situation that administration needs to be involved in. A functional behavioral assessment may need to be implemented, and other professionals need to become involved with this student.
Solution #5
It is imperative that Mr. McDaniel be aware of his students at all times, especially during recess. Mr. McDaniel can move the student's seat close to his desk. The student can also help the teacher with duties such as passing out books and papers. Once he gets attention for being helpful, he may stop behaving poorly.
Solution #6
I would try showing a video of a real life bullying situation that happened to the entire class. Then I would have the students write a short paper on their reaction from the video, and share their papers aloud to the classroom. This will allow the student to see bullying on a whole other level.
Solution #7
I would do a lesson on bullying to the class and possibly show a video on bullying. What found to be effective is the paper heart. Have the students wrinkle the paper heart as they say mean things to it then have them say sorry as they smooth out the heart and show them that sorry doesn't solve the hurt that has already been done.
Solution #8
I think that having a meeting with the principal, parents, teachers, and student would be helpful in the child seeing how serious the school takes bullying.
Solution #9
This is the lesson I would give in my personal classroom about bullying. This is a link to the NearPod lesson I created. I think it is important to stop and address the problem in the room through a lesson. This lesson was given this semester in my personal down time and I taught it in a middle school ESE inclusive setting. It went amazing and I bought the kids the books to take home and share with family and friends. Here is the link:
Solution #10
Keeping down time to a minimum giving the child less opportunity to bully would be a start. Not allowing the student to be alone with other students during bathroom breaks and other activities may also help. Character education with social stories and other resources could be implemented. Administration needs to be involved.