Strategies you could use to confront instances of gender inequity among diverse populations in your classroom or school

One strategy I would use to confront gender inequality in my classroom would be to make my class a ‘Safe Space'. This is suggested by glsen.org. In order to make LGBTQ students they have to know that you are with them and not against them. When things do get hard for these students, they need someone that will support them and be there for them. The website suggest that a sign be posted up to let students know that you are a supporter, but I would let students know by spoken word. Another strategy I would use is to not allow anyone to degrade anybody by using common slag, gestures, or stereotypical comments in my classroom. The last thing I would to is allow min forums for all students to be able to talk about their lifestyles and cultures so that student will understand each other and lean to appreciate eahother.