Using Assessment Data Appropriately

I am a new teacher and I have found that I have struggled with grading assessments on time so that the data can be used to guide my instruction. Oftentimes, I find myself there on the weekend or bringing work home so that I will not be boggled with work during the school day. What are some techniques some of you veteran teachers use to make sure that you are using the data immediately?

Solution #1
For multiple choice assessments, there are several online grading programs you can use to easily print and grade scantrons. One that I use has an app for your phone that you can use to grade student's papers immediately when they are finished. Then all of the data is saved for you to view later and make decisions regarding your instruction based on item and standard analysis. For open ended questions, I would suggest using a checklist or rubric to grade so that you know exactly what you are looking for when you are reading their responses and can give students more specific feedback.

This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.

Solution #2
I struggle with grading papers in an adequate time frame for grades and feedback to be beneficial to students as well. One thing I have found to be helpful is to give short formative assessments that allow me to quickly assess student understanding instead of always waiting until the big tests to gauge their knowledge. These formative assessments are sometimes a quick short response question or maybe 3-5 fill in the blank or multiple choice questions.
Solution #3
I often have my students trade papers to grade quizzes or for big unit assessments, I grade them as they come in and have students read AR or work on something while I grade. Students use Senteo devices to input their test answer, they get immediate feedback and I get grades immediately. It will get easier to get papers graded. I also stay late 3 days a week just to grade and stay on top of things. I would rather stay late during the week than work on the weekdays.
Solution #4
I would suggest that you create a priority list and put the things with due dates on the top of it and other things with more flexible due dates at the bottom for later.
Solution #5
You may want to think about the length of your assessments. If they are too long it will take a lot of time to grade. Also, a quick ticket out the door will help you plan instruction. The ticket out the door could be 2 or 3 questions. Assessment data does not have to be long and complicated. Keep it simple.