Students need keyboard skills before taking online assessments

I teach first grade. In my district we are administering Student Learning Objective tests to the classes in the beginning of the year and at the end of the year. The amount of growth shown on these SLO's will be used to measure my effectiveness as an educator and will be recorded on my Teacher Keys Plan. My problem is this: Some of these tests are to be given online and the students are expected to be able to handle a drop down menu, clicking and dragging, and using the mouse to scroll down. Some students have these skills and for some, it is very difficult. I am not a technology teacher and this part of the testing is frustrating for me. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Solution #1
I have that same issue at my school where students are inexperienced in handling a desktop computer or laptop. Some things that I did in order for them to gain practice using the computer are scheduling computer lab days each week, allowing assignments to be computer based instead of paper and pencil, and requiring 1 combined hour of outside/home computer time a week. In lieu of the new Georgia Milestone Assessment, our children have to know how to work a computer and understand computer functionalities in order to master the basic of taking an online assessment.
Solution #2
I think this is a problem for all of our students in elementary and middle school. I think practicing will be a good idea. You could use GAOAS to practice, since it is supposed to be similar to the new testing format.
Solution #3
This is a problem that we faced in the 1st year of the Georgia Milestones Test. Our 5th graders were required to take the assessment online. We would often use moments in the morning right after breakfast to practice typing skills. Also, I would have students practice in one of my small groups. When they completed their activity they would practice typing.
Solution #4
This can be categorized as dysgraphia. It is the students' issue with writing, spelling, or typing. There are many accommodations for this, but might I suggest asking your administrators for a speech to text electronic.
Solution #5
Maybe you can have the students that struggle with this practice computer skills during spare time.

Since computers are the way of the future, this may be practice they will need in adulthood regardless of their 1st grade literacy skills.