I have a little student in my class that is already infatuated with girls. As I am sitting in the rocking chair teaching, he will rub my legs and express to me how he loves brown skin. I redirected him and he was doing better, so I thought. I p.e. he tries to kiss little girls and tell them how pretty they are. I teach kindergarten. What are some positive ways I can redirect him without making him feel embarrassed for having a crush?
This is a great idea! Teaching boundries and personal space is a good thing to learn at this age.
I think it is important to involve creative ways to learn about boundaries
It is important not to single them out yet immediately handle the situation.
Monirot and regulate affection, do not simply condone it.
I would not tell the parents that, it might be offensive. I would have a parent/teacher conference with the child around as well.
The teacher should definitely tell the student's parents. It would be a good idea for the parent to also discuss personal space and boundaries with their child.
I would tell the parent what to do just because they might become offended. maybe think of other ways to bring that conversion about.
Do not tell the parents what to do, but ensure that they are aware.
Parents need to be contacted and administration as well.
As a child, tell him that there is no place for that, and that consent is needed.
Adressing the class is imnportant and useful.
As a child they do not know better, but parents need to be aware tp handle that.
Contact parents and ensure that they are teaching their children about consent and proper action.