I have a student that requires a lot of attention and if I do not address her needs immediately she will get mad and tell me she doesn't need my help. The other day she snapped at me to get my attention and then got mad when I told her that was not an appropriate way to get my attention. I spend large amounts of time during class working with this student and when she does come to tutoring after school I always make time to answer her questions. Yet she goes home and tells her mom I don't want to help her. How do I address her needs without neglecting my other students and how do I help her understand I can't always be immediately available?
if I were in this situation, I would also have a parent student meeting to clear things up in front of the parents.
A parent-teacher conference will be beneficial here, I agree. Great advice.
If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.
Maybe just a different method is needed, she might do very well in small group situation. I would try this first, before all the paperwork.
I agree, the parents should know you are concerned with her behavior.