No More Playground?

Last week, all of the playgrounds at my school were removed from the school premises and we do not have any safe areas around the school for elementary students to play outside. What are some things students can do during recess other than "Just Dance?"

Solution #1
OH NO! This is a terrible epidemic. Recess and physical activity is brain based!They removed our playground as well (for learning modules and trailers). However, we still have a lower field to play on. I would suggest looking up some TDPE activities like on this site: Also, talk with your principal about having a PLAY BALL representative come your school and do activities with your students during recess.

This is an great solution, this shows the students that the teacher do care about their needs. Looking to outside resources is always a good way to problem solve.

Being an advocate for play time is imperative.

Solution #2
This is very sad, students need outside playtime and they need to be able to run and express themselves. You can try to use P.E. type exercises, or you can try to use games. One of my favorites is Duck Duck Goose. This allows students to run around, but in a contained area. Also come up with more games that require children to be physically active.
Solution #3
Most schools have some sort of field or track. I would organize a baseball or kickball game with the students, or have a walking club where the students can earn special rewards for walking laps in the school yard. Making sure that the student bring water and the proper shoes on these special activity days.
Solution #4
This is not acceptable at all! Students must have an opportunity to get physical exercise for many reasons, including just being able to release energy and get exercise. I would certainly seek out alternative activities for the students, but I would also seek help from administration to see about getting the playgrounds restored. I would also seek help from the PTA to see about fundraising activities if necessary. We tend to complain about student behavior and ADHD-type disruptions, yet we take away opportunities for our students to 'let loose.' It's not fair to the students or the teachers!
Solution #5
Go Noodle, Kagan brain breaks, a very active version of Simon Says.
Solution #6
Try to integragte movement and physical activity into your lessons. For example, students will toss a beach ball with words written from the word wall to each other. They will be standing in a circle and they will have to define the word their right thumb lands on. I would also have students take a break in between transitions where they would do dances or exercises near their seats or in an open area of the classroom.
Solution #7
I would ask administrators if there are any safe places on campus where you can take your students to get some exercise. If you are stuck in the classroom, another good idea would be to do yoga or maybe group exercises. I think that this is a tough issue though because playgrounds and recess time are so vital for students.
Solution #8
Bringing toys such as small balls, jump ropes, and frisbees would be great for students to use during outside of time. It could also be used to teach students different games to play with each other.
Solution #9
I think that students need a place to get there energy out. Students will feel trapped if they cannot move around and let loose. Try to create some fun time in the classroom.
Solution #10
In an ESOL class I am currently working in, we have recess every day after lunch and we never play on a playground. Instead the students play in an empty field or with other board games during this time. I think there are many different activities students can participate in during this time that do n require a playground, though this is disheartening. Students should be provided with a variety of free time opportunities during this time so they have some type of outlet during the academic day.
Solution #11
I would integrate brain breaks throughout the day to give students breaks and times to get up and get active. As far as outside activities, teachers could easily bring a ball, jump ropes and other toys for the students to play with or organize whole group activities.
Solution #12
I would have the students do GoNoodle.
Solution #13
Wow! This is awful. Truthfully whatever outdoor activity you do, they would love to do. Duck duck goose, egg race no matter what if the teacher is excited and involved so will the kids
Solution #14
It is very unfortunate. If the students do not have anywhere they can play outside then I would come up with activities they can do in the classroom where they can still move around and get in some exercise.
Solution #15
Come up with different game that allows them to move but that they are contained in one small area so they are not put in an unsafe situation. Another idea, which is a little more risky, is to get a WII and have it for the students to take turns playing the interactive games.
Solution #16
I would try bringing recess into the classroom. Try playing silent speedball, or allowing the students to move their desks around and play four corners, or heads up seven up.
Solution #17
If your school has a gymnasium there are multiple fun games they can play in there. If that is not an option you could play indoor games such as heads up 7up, or hangman. If possible turn this free time into a fun review about something simple. Such as silent speed ball answering easy math problems that they know or various content learned through out the year.
Solution #18
This is a terrible problem. After spending many years in the military it is important to adapt, with that being said circuits are great to help students exercise and release energy. I would let my students design their own obstacle course that is quick to set up and have them complete the obstacle courses they make. This could be as simple as running in and out and around cones, jumping jack, or hopping. Students need to release built up energy in the classroom and you do not need a play ground for that. Another idea is kick ball.

That obstacle course idea sounds fun!

Solution #19
This is very sad and the students need some outlet to have some creative play. The best advice that I could give is let the students have free time on the computer. Let the students play board games and maybe have some other interactive things that our within school policies so that you won't get in trouble.

This is an great solution! i will definitely use this in my classroom.