
My school has an extremely high teacher turn-over rate, 20+ teachers leave at the end of EACH school year. This year I put in for a transfer due to the distance from my home and the school and I do not have the same teaching philosophy. During a meeting with my CST, I was asked if I have had any luck finding a school to transfer to. I feel as though that was a personal question. How do you respond to administrators asking about the status of an individual teacher's transfer?

Solution #1
Although this is a personal question, you made a professional decision to leave the school and the administrator has a right to know if you are leaving a vacant teaching position or not as he/she has a responsibility for the welfare and education of the students. No matter what you choose to say, it must be stated respectfully. Be aware that whomever you interview with will in all likelihood contact your current administrator about your work ethic, classroom management, and other factors before hiring. You must be professional in all aspects of your career or it may jeopardize your career in the future.
Solution #2
If this was a team meeting, you have the right to not answer the question. So I would provide an ambiguous response and request a one-on-one meeting with my administrator later. Your administrator has the right to know your intentions since they will want to be exploring options; however, this does not mean it's anyone else's business.
Solution #3
I'm sure you were caught off guard by this situation, but I'm sure they were just curious. What is a CST? When I had intentions interviewing for a new position, I was responsible for letting my principal know. With 20+ new teachers to find each year, I understand why administration would want to be in the loop. I would just respond honestly, knowing leaving the school isn't personal. It's just what's best for me.
Solution #4
Sometimes administrators are really concerned with their staff as professionals and individuals. He or she could have asked this question to lead to dialog and feedback as to why so many are leaving, ways to decrease the turn-over rate, and/or to compare the type of setting individuals are transferring to. I think it also depends on the relationship you have with your admin. I do not believe anyone would ask an intrusive questions if you two were not close enough. I think it was all out of professionalism and for feedback.
Solution #5
If you feel uncomfortable answering the question than you can politely state that it is none of their concern. They may just be worried of the school you want to transfer to and make sure it is a good school. They could also just be scared that another teacher is leaving and will have no one to fill your position if you leave to soon.