Unexpected Guest

You have a second interview with the principal of the school you've been aiming to teach at since you graduated. You bring in all of your things and are completely prepared for anything that they throw at you. The position is a 4th Grade teaching position and you feel that grade is best suited. When you arrive you see that the principal has brought a 4th Grade teacher from the school and was very surprised. The principal did not tell you that there would be anyone joining you and you become nervous. What do you do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
You handle the situation as you would any other You adapt and go with the flow. Understand that each day as the head teacher different things will be thrown at you and you need to just adjust and go with it! Try not to be nervous because you will do a great job no matter who is there! If they hire you it will be for your professionalism. So focus on your strengths and you'll do great!

Helpful advice.

Be ready to take on the job, whatever it brings. You have to take what they are offering if it's what you're asking for.


Solution #2
I agree with the other posting that you just have to go with it. I would also use it as an opportunity to build relationship with this teacher. Almost every interview ends with the administration asking if you have any questions and this would be a great opportunity to ask the other teacher about collaborative planning or any curriculum questions you might have.

I think it is a great idea to build a relationship with the teacher.

Solution #3
You are ready and prepared! Don't let something unexpected throw you off, just go with the flow. Things don't go as planned many times and that is ok. Being resilient and flexible is a great thing to have so this situation is great practice!
Solution #4
Don't be nervous. Be yourself. They brought that teacher in there to get their perspective to see if they feel that they can work with you and if you are cut out for the job. Don't be nervous. Be pleasant and show them what you are made of. Teachers respect teachers that have their self together and work well under pressure. Strike up a conversation with them. Tell them about your teaching style. Pretend you have known them for years. Nervousness shows, just be yourself.
Solution #5
As a teacher, it is important to remain flexible and allow things to roll off your shoulders. In this instance, all you can do is remind yourself that you are prepared to the best of your ability. You should answer the questions honestly and confidently, even if there is an unexpected guest present!
Solution #6
Much like teaching you have to learn to expect the unexpected. I don't think any of this was done to throw you off your game, it was probably just for a second opinion. The best thing to do would be to remain calm and remember that you are ready for this and you can handle it.
Solution #7
I would just try to calm your nerves. This teacher is there to make sure that you are going to fit in with the team and you will probably be working with them a lot. It is normal to be nervous but you have to remember they are just like you, and may have direct questions that reflect the position you are applying for.
Solution #8
You should not be intimidated by another teacher; take a deep breath and do the best you can on the interview.
Solution #9
Roll with the punches and be prepared. Being nervous is understandable but if you feel your best suited, be confident.
Solution #10
They expect you to be nervous! They are gauging how you handle yourself under pressure. I feel this is just as important as the answers you give. I have sat on interview teams many times, and confidence is definitely one of the attributes that was important to me.
Solution #11
Act like no one is there do not become nervous.