The 3rd Grade classes of your school go on a field trip to a sleep over at the zoo. It is yourself, 3 other teachers, 4 teacher assistants, and 6 parent volunteers. It is late and you see that one of the parents brought beer with them. You go to check to make sure that your students are all asleep but one of the parents invites you to sit down and have a drink with them. You know it is against the code of ethics to do so before checking the students safety but the other parents start calling you names. What do you do?
I agree it is not appropriate and that parent should be reported.
I agree! That is not appropriate and the teacher should contact an administrator.
I would do the same thing in that situation.
The teacher must be prepared to take care of the student day and night when on an overnight field trip.
I have been in this situation before. I agree professionalism is key too.
I would just state its inappropriate to be drinking at a school function. They don't warrant a reasons why I'm not drinking on a school field trip.