Case Solved
Uneasiness and Fear

Mrs. Clare was well prepared for her culturally diverse first grade students this school year. She was looking forward to learning more about the five different countries and cultures represented in her classroom. She had completed all of the required courses to successfully earn her ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching endorsement. She was very aware of how to enrich her lessons to accommodate second language learners. What Mrs. Clare was not prepared for was the uneasiness and fear that overwhelmed the parents of the students who were not ESL pupils. One parent in particular complained to Mrs. Clare that her child was being harassed by another student in the classroom. When Mrs. Clare inquired about the identity of the "bully," the parent did not know the name of the student who was bothering her child. However, the parent mentioned to Mrs. Clare that the student causing trouble was one of the "foreign" boys with the dark hair and real dark skin. Mrs. Clare did not expect adults to react in this manner about a classroom of typical six year old students.

1. How can Mrs. Clare prepare herself for the challenges involved in teaching culturally diverse students?
2. Is it possible to convey to parents the importance of being open minded in their outlook of the culturally diverse world?
3. How can Mrs. Clare ease the tensions of the concerned parents?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Mrs. Clare can prepare herself for the challenges involved in teaching culturally diverse students by going to seminars about how to respond to certain problems that arise in the classroom. She can also avoid a lot of these problems by having activities with the students early in the year that stresses diversity. She could then talk about how there is diversity in the classroom and how we learn from others who are from different backgrounds. It important to stress right off the bat that every student in the classroom is unique and that is why the class is so special. It is also important to stress that everyone is different but the students come together as a whole class, and as a community. It is important to talk about the classroom rules at the beginning of the year so the students know exactly how they are expected to behave. One way to convey to parents the importance of being open minded about the culturally diverse world is to send home a letter saying that there will be a day to celebrate everyone student's cultural background and to bring in a food dish that represents the student's background. The parents should be invited to join in on the day and educate the students on their specific culture. Ms. Clare can ease the tension of the concerned parents by having parent conferences with those parents who are concerned. Ms. Clare will need to stress that we do not refer to students as "foreign", we call students by their names.

This is a very thorough solution. It is very helpful.

If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.

Very helpful solution!

This is a very helpful solution. I agree.

Solution #2
Top Solution
1. I feel like Mrs. Clare has done what she needs to do to prepare herself for the challenges of working with the students themselves. Having gotten the endorsement and being aware of how to accommodate the students is one of the hardest parts of being a teacher who works with ELL students. As far as the parents are concerned, it could help to get the advice of the school counselor or the school's parent liaison on how to reach these parents and address their needs. 2. While it would be nice if parents were open-minded, teachers ultimately do not have control over the wants and opinions of parents. You could try talking with parents who have concerns in a conference--maybe include the ESL teacher--and try to explain the importance of integration in the classroom to the students' learning. You might even try talking to them about the benefits their own child might experience from having culturally diverse students in their class based on research. 3. Meeting with parents and helping them to understand that ELL students are just like regular students would probably help the parents. They need to know that their child's education is not being neglected when you accommodate the other students. Also, having classroom expectations that all students have to meet where behavior is concerned would likely help as well.

I agree with this case study. I will utilize this information once I become a teacher.

Solution #3
1. Mrs. Clare can prepare herself for the challenges involved in teaching culturally diverse students by observing culturally diverse students in not only her class, but also other classes. That will help her to have a better idea of what the outcome will be. 2. It is possible to convey to parents the important of being open minded in their outlook of the culturally diverse world, but that does not mean that they will think what the students are doing is okay. If a student is bullying then parents will not be happy with that whether they are culturally diverse or not. It is a good thing to tell the parents though so maybe they will understand it a little more and explain it to their child. 3. Mrs. Clare can ease the tensions of concerned parents by explaining the situation to the parents. However, that may not make everything better, but it will help the students to understand and feel more comfortable about the issue.
Solution #4
I believe that Mrs. Clare has done all that she needs to to prepare herself for the challenges involving teacher. Their is only so much you can control, and with Mrs. Clare earning the ESL endorsement and taking the required course I think she is where she needs to be to meet head on with those challenges. I think it would be possible to convey the importance, but the fact of the matter is the opinion of the teacher is not going to change a parents opinion completely. As a teacher maybe having a one on one discussion with the parents on how their child being in a culturally diverse classroom is a great experience for them to learn about different cultures and grow from them. Mrs. Clare could also ensure the parents that all the students are being treated and disciplined equally due to the rules addressed in the classroom.

Teachers are never going to be able to please every parent and are not going to be able to stop every chid from being mean everytime. However, she can do her best at talking one on one with the child who is being mistreated to find out what is the cause. then she can talk one on one with the students who are mistreating others. there is not much that the teacher can do besides this and discipline the students when they mistreat each other.

I agree with your ideas this is how I would address the situation in my class.

Solution #5
Mrs. Clare should come into this school year with an open mind and a gracious attitude. Seeing that her class represents several different cultures, she should expect to meet a diverse group of parents. The best she can do is try to involve them as much as possible. Mrs. Clare should attempt to make the parents feel at home and welcome to ask any questions. She most importantly needs to keep the lines of communication open with all of the parents. Mrs. Clare should try to send out weekly newsletters to keep her class' parents in the loop. Within this letter she could include a little shout out/reminder for parents to keep and open mind about others. A major factor in education is to drop all judgement at the door. Not only do we need to relay that to our students, but to their parents as well. Mrs. Clare should simply remind the parents that all issues will be taken care of. It is her duty to identify the issues and find the best possible solution. Collaboration between teachers and parents are crucial.
Solution #6
1. Mrs. Clare could prepare herself by asking other teachers who have already been working with ESL students. She should ask questions like, how do you communicate with their parents? and How do you make time to give these students extra explanations? Getting some feedback from other educators will prepare more than just passing the required courses. 2. It is definitely possible to convey to parent the importance of being open minded to these diverse students. A good way Mrs. Clare introduce this new addition to her class, would be by sending home an colorful, positive newsletter. Introducing these students to the children and their parents before hand gives them no reason to accept them into the family environment she obtains. 3. Mrs. Clare could ease the concerned parents by explaining to them that their culture is different and that something that may be bothering their child is just part of their background. She should then assure the parents she will speak with all the students, ESL and English speaking students about this issue. All students should have the same rules and expectations no matter what.
Solution #7
1. Mrs. Clare, in my opinion is pretty well prepared to begin with, however there is no limit to how prepared a teacher can be. I think that if Mrs. Clare would have devoted the time that she invested in taking ESL courses to learning how to deal with her students emotions and feelings, she would have been able to handle her class differently. 2. I think that it is very possible to convey the importance of understanding, tolerating and accepting culturally diverse students to parents. Parents need to know that students in their child's classroom may be different which is okay. Each and every student needs to know that they are different in their own ways, but what is the issue is the physical differences. When students come into a classroom knowing no or very little English, its a nerve-wracking experience for those students. Parents need to stress to their children that cultural differences are okay and that they should be accepted. 3. Mrs. Clare could ease the tension of the parents by meeting up with the parents of the ESOL students to individually discuss the issues that their child is facing as they strive to be a member of the classroom community.
Solution #8
Mrs. Clare has done everything in her power to prepare herself to teach culturally diverse students. Being prepared for their parents is a totally different ball game. When dealing with them she should have patience and try to make it as easy as possible to be in contact with parents to answer an y questions or address any concerns. It is possible, but the parents have to be willing. Once they understand that the other parents may feel the same way about their child, it will hit home that it is not fair for them to be prejudice towards the other kids in the classroom. To ease tensions she should educate the parents about each of the cultures represented in the classroom.
Solution #9
Mrs. Clare has prepared herself in my opinion, for most of the challenges involved in teaching culturally diverse students. The parents reaction is one that she may not be able help, but she could try by holding a parent-teacher meeting with the parents at the beginning of the year. During this meeting she could discuss the diverse cultures with the parents as she will do with the students at the beginning of the year. The parents will then be well aware of the diversity among the classroom and the importance of viewing everyone equally. Hopefully this will ease some tension so that the parents will not stereotype as well.
Solution #10
1. Mrs. Clare can remember that no matter the background, all students should be treated equally. I understand how teaching such a culturally diverse class could be so difficult, however, this should not affect the way she treats each of her students. They are 6 years old and each need just as much attention as the next. 2. Yes, it is possible to convey to parents the importance of being open minded in their outlook of the culturally diverse world. Some people do not understand nor accept change. Our world is changing. Everyone is not the same. It is the responsibility of the teacher to accept that change and to possible help the parents of your students to try to accept that change as well. 3. Mrs. Clare can reassure her parents that every student will be tended to in the same manner. The ESL students will not be treated any differently than the other students. I would also explain that they are in a differnt environment and trying to adjust. The teacher should be observant of her students behavior to be able to assure the parents that bullying is not acceptable in the class and that she will make sure it does not happen.
Solution #11
1. Mrs. Clare can prepare herself for the challenges involved in teaching culturally diverse students by getting advice from teachers who have experience in an ESL classroom. Also, observing the teacher and students during lessons in an ESL classroom will help the teacher feel more prepared for situations that may arise and important practices to incorporate for the diverse leaners. 2. Mrs. Clare can convey to parents the importance of being open minded in their outlook of the culturally diverse world by sending a letter home at the beginning of the year. This is a way the teacher can tell parents about their diverse classroom and plans to embrace these diverse cultures. 3. Mrs. Clare can ease the tensions of the concerned parents by explaining her reasons for representing cultural diversity in her classroom and being available for parent conferences. Open communication is important so the parents will know what is going on at school and that she cares about every student.
Solution #12
1. Mrs. Clare needs to be ready to explain some of her students' culture to other people, whether the other people are her students, their parents, other teachers, etc. If she sees each student for who they are, she'll be much more equipped to teach them and to explain their behaviors. 2. I think it's definitely possible and absolutely necessary to explain the importance of being open minded to parents. It is definitely crucial to keep in mind to be tactful when doing so. If she could apologize to parents for the other students' behavior without degrading their cultures, I think she can be successful in helping her students' parents understand the importance of having a culturally diverse mindset. 3. Mrs. Clare needs to discuss the different customs of her students with all of the parents. I think many times children from all types of backgrounds have different ideas of social norms, and a lot of times these ideas come into play in the classroom. One student may stand closer or talk louder than another student is comfortable with, and it is often perceived as rudeness. If Mrs. Clare explains to the parents that it isn't intentional harassment, I think the parents would be much more at ease.
Solution #13
The teacher and the parent have to come to terms and figure out a way to come together. The teacher has to do what's best for the student. Every parent is entitled to their own beliefs. Teachers can't change the beliefs of the parents. It's always important to have that parent-teacher relationship because it can really affect a student's success in the classroom.
Solution #14
Mrs. Clare did an excellent job in preparing herself for the challenges involved in teaching culturally diverse students. There is not much that one can really do to prepare for these types of things. I feel that the best preparation comes with practice and experience. However, Mrs. Clare could have done more research. This research could involved the customs and beliefs of the different cultures. It is possible to covey to parents the importance of being open minded in their outlook of the culturally diverse world, but it is defiantly not easy! A lot of people are stuck in their ways and believe that their opinions are the only right ones. As a teacher, you also do not want to offend anyone. So, you are walking on a very fine line! I think that the best way to go about this, is just to tell the parents that our classroom is a place where no judgement or racism exists. Mrs. Clare can ease the tensions of concerned parents by just telling them that the classroom is a safe and fun place where their children come to learn.
Solution #15
I believe the most important topic of preparing for working with ESOL students is that the child's native culture. It is possible to convey this, but certain parents may not listen. With the possibility to convey cultural diversity, Mrs. Claire can ease tensions of concerned parents by sending home a letter or email to parents making them aware that you are investigating the situation, and about ways for these situations to not happen in the classroom again.
Solution #16
Preparation goes far beyond just curriculum supplements and teaching styles. To prepare for a diverse class requires you to do research in their cultures and their individual backgrounds. Contact the families and students before the year starts to get to know them and so they can get to know you to establish a level of comfort and familiarity. As well as contacting your ESL students and parents you should be sure to contact your other parents making it clear the all persons in your classroom will be respected and valued. That they too should value diversity and be examples for their children to follow. She can ease the concerns of parents by saying that she will talk with her students and stress that everyone should be treated with respect.

I would never do this! This is wrong!