John is a student in a fourth grade classroom who just can't seem to pay attention in class for long spans of time. You know that from observing him work he is a bright student but he is always trying to circumvent having to do classwork by socializing or vying for your attention. What are some ways that you could help him to focus more in a positive way?
A behavior plan is key and a great suggestion.
This is the best solution. It is hard for some to pay attention for long periods of time. Breaks are very helpful.
I agree with the goals and would use this in the classroom.
I do not think this is the best solution. I think you should meet with a counselor and parents first and then see where you could create an IEP.
The only issue that may come about from group work is John may fail to pull his equal share in contributing to the group. John needs a very specific job and reminders to stay focus in group work or he could trail off rather quickly.