A student receives an "F" on a test. He protests his grade and is adamant about your changing his grade or allowing him to re-take the exam. You stand firm on your position and tell him that there are no make-ups or extra credit. His tone becomes increasingly aggressive. He calls you, he emails you, and he waits for you after class. As a teacher, what is the best way to handle this situation?
Talking to administration is the best solution here.
Documenting the situation and then talking to administration is the best solution here. I would do the same.
Making sure you document the situation and report this unusual behavior to the Adminstors and School Resource Officer.
That is how I would handle the situation also.
Agreed. Safety is so important and you do not want to take any risks.
I would do exactly this if I were in this situation. It could take a team to sort this out.
This is also what I would do.
I think it is important to talk to the parents to let them know your policy. I would also inform them of their student's behaviors. Before I would make administration aware of the situation and make sure there isn't a particular way in which they would like it to be handled.