Different Cultures

Many of your students come from different cultures with different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. You have been lecturing and students are complaining that they cannot understand you or follow your logic. What is the best solution to this scenario?

Solution #1
There are many ESOL and LEP strategies that can help you get through to your students even with diverse ethnic backgrounds. I would suggest getting to know your students to see where their interests lie, just as you would with a native student when they are not following a lesson or being active in the classroom, so you can then alter your lessons to help them understand. I would also try getting in touch with the ESOL teacher or floater at your school if there is one available. If your school does not have an ESOL teacher it would be helpful to speak with your principal at possibly adding one. It is important to maintain a professional and respectful attitude towards your students at all times and to maintain leadership over your classroom.

if I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.

Solution #2
I would have to look at what I am doing as a teacher to see what I need to change to help my students understand better. I would need to analyze if I am using too complicated vocabulary or expecting too much of my students. I should also ask the students what it is that i am doing they don't understand as well.
Solution #3
Teaching to so many different backgrounds is challenging but doable. Reflect back on the verbiage you are using! Try and use as many high frequency words as possible! Being sure to incorporate as many visuals and references as possible will also help!

This is a great idea.

Solution #4
I would recommend peer work, collaborative groups. Check if there are classmates that speak the same language as ESOL students and are more proficient at the English language or speak both the ELLs native language and English at the same level and assign this student as a peer helper to assist with translation and activities. Use many visuals and much repetition. Have rules, procedures, and agenda posted on the board with pictures next to the words to assist the ELLs with understanding what is going on in the classroom.
Solution #5
If students cannot understand what the teacher is saying, then I would have the majority of the lecture on notes instead of verbal. You want the students to understand instead of being confused. I also would have more hands on activities instead of lectures so the students are actually learning something too.
Solution #6
Solution #7
I would start by doing some research about their culture and how they typically view things.I would also research the teaching methods from the areas the students come from.
Solution #8
If your students are expressing their concerns about not being able to follow your instruction, that should be a sign for you that you need to modify your instruction to meet their needs. There are many strategies and techniques that are available and easy to implement. A little research on the Internet will reveal many strategies and fun ways to enhance your lessons to make them more effective for your diverse classroom.
Solution #9
There are a wide variety of strategies that you can implement to assist w/ your students understanding your instruction. You can implement pictures w/ vocabulary words, Google translate.
Solution #10
I would first record myself teaching to what the students may be talking about. I would then try to find ways to engage the students and better understanding what is happening.