After your class at the car circle you notice a student Bryan aggressively interacting with another student, how will you step in to stop this behavior?
Solution #1
Joined on Oct 2015
102 points
I would begin verbally redirection the students to separate. I will do this several times until separation! If they do not follow direction i will begin to step closer advising them to stop or they will receive a school punishment. If they still do not respond contact administration or the behavior specialist to step in because you do not want to make any physical contact with them. To prevent injury to yourself or them!
Solution #2
Joined on Oct 2014
204 points
Walk over by the students to see of the presence will stop the student. If this does not then the teacher needs to verbally tell Bryan to stop what he is doing and give him a warning that if he does not stop he will be taken to the office and his parents will be called. If the student does not stop then escort the student to the office and have them call his mother.
Solution #3
Joined on Feb 2016
100 points
First of all, you must step in and calm the situation. Separate the two students. Student safety is the top priority. Once time permitted, I would be interested in finding out the cause of the aggression. Talking with the aggressive student might shed some light on the issue.
Solution #4
Joined on Oct 2016
201 points
By making eye contact with the students, that should stop about 90% of the misbehavior. If that doesn't work I would suggest then walking over, as proximity to the students should 90% stop the behavior. If that doesn't work, I would suggest verbally saying something to the students to show your authority and ask them what's going on.
Solution #5
Joined on Feb 2019
204 points
Discuss with this child the appropriate behavior at car line or have him stand next to you so he is not bothering other students.
Solution #6
Joined on Oct 2020
101 points
I would separate the students, pulling the problem student aside to discuss what is going on. Depending on their response, I would either warn them that this behavior will not be tolerated again, or take action in addressing the issue. I would also talk with the student who was being bothered, asking them if they are okay as well as getting the other side of the story. If it is a problem that requires attention, I would involve the teacher and/or administration to handle the situation and contact the parents of both parties.
Solution #7
Joined on Oct 2020
54 points
I will first separate the individuals and address them individually. If I feel that a student was bullying another, I will immediately bring said student to the office. Being that the students are waiting in the car circle, I will address the parent and ask them if they could please park and come inside. If the parent cannot, I will further address the problem in the morning after informing the parent that further action will take place in the morning.
Solution #8
Joined on Oct 2015
100 points
I would try to talk to the students to deescalate the situation but if it did not help I would immediately call for backup.
Solution #9
Joined on Oct 2015
100 points
I would find the closest teacher or administrator to me and ask that they follow and begin to head towards the students and start by asking what is going on and why they are behaving the way that they are. Hopefully this will be enough to show that it is not okay for them to behave aggressively but if they continue I will step between them and have someone help me escort them to the office.
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