Always late

For the third time, a Jeremy arrives to your classroom late (he is in a wheelchair). Your syllabus specifies a reduction in points for repeated tardiness. You feel bad because you do not know if the reason he is late is because of the wheelchair and you don't want to discriminate him just because he is disabled. What should your course of action be?

Solution #1
Talk to the student and see what the problem is. If the student is coming from another class and does not have enough time then the teacher may accept his tardiness. If the student does not have an acceptable reason then the teacher needs to speak to the student about a plan to make it to class on time.
Solution #2
I wouldn't penalize him for being late being it is directly because of the wheel chair. Ways i would try and trouble shoot this would be to talk to the teacher he has before you to see if that teacher is able to release him a few minutes before the end of the period to help with the student arriving on time and missing the traffic from the other students.

This is a perfect solution, I would do the same.

Solution #3
I should speak to Jeremy privately and ask him why he has been late to class lately and if it is because of a campus fault or his own. I will explain after hearing his reasoning that if is because of the campus he doesn't have to worry about but if it is his own fault he needs to be mindful of my policy.

This is a great solution, I would definitely do this in my classroom.

Solution #4
Find out why he is late, it may not be his fault.
Solution #5
I would speak to the student first in a non-confrontational manner and offer to help the student if he or she needs it.
Solution #6
First, talk to him and ask what the problem is. If he is older (in high school or middle), instead of giving him detention have him come in and do makeup work.
Solution #7
Start by asking the student why he is late so much. Be sure to do this without mentioning the wheelchair because it may give him a easy out, and you may then never know the real reason. Another approach that you could try is to ask the parents. Be sure that when you ask the parents you don't put the blame on them.
Solution #8
You could have a talk with him or his parents about a way to maybe leave earlier for class to ensure he gets their on time. You could also just allow him the extra time to get to class since he is an exception.
Solution #9
Its important to find out why the student is always late before taking any further action
Solution #10
I respect that you want your class to be equal for all students, but since he is in a wheel chair i would definitely bend the rules for him. Young Jeremy is most likely already having a harder life than most. also, it can be hard for wheel chairs to maneuver in crowded hallways.
Solution #11
I would speak to the class. I would review the classroom rules and state that they consequences will be enforced for everyone. Unless you have a note from the office you will receive print deductions for tardies.
Solution #12
I would call his parents and just let them know he has been showing up late to class and ask if they know why.