The trouble with technology

iPads have recently been issued to all 8th graders in the county. As is typical of any middle schooler some of the students have found their way around the firewalls and are facebooking during class. They have learned to watch where you are in the classroom and although you have never actually "caught" them you know what they are doing. How do you deal with this situation?

Solution #1
I would stress that using technology is a privilege, not a right. My school requires students and parents to sign a BYOT paper at the beginning of the year that makes them promise to use the technology for instructional purposes only. A violation of this contract could mean them losing their ability to utilize technology. Is it possible to use technology in stations only? That way you can have those stations directly by you. Usually when I tell my kids they can get their technology taken away, they take it more seriously.

This is a great idea. Set rules at the beginning of the year.

Solution #2
This is definitely a tough one. I would try to strengthen the firewalls and settings on the iPads. I would be up front daily and remind them they shouldn't be on Facebook or any other sites they shouldn't be on and create a positive reinforcement plan for those who do what they're supposed to. I would change the tasks on the iPads to be more involved so students don't have as much time to get on Facebook as well.
Solution #3
Talk with the person in charge of technology at your school about programs that allow you (the teacher) to see on your computer the screen of each student. The media center at my school uses this, so though I cannot see every computer at once if I am walking around, I can see from the main monitor what each student is doing. This same technology is used at my nieces' school where each student has school-issued laptops. When they get into the classroom, they are required to login to the teacher's class, and the teacher can view all screens all the time.
Solution #4
Our school has the policy to where we can check their iPad device at any time. You can see what site they have been on by double clicking the round home button twice and it will pull up all their screens because they do not close them out generally when a teacher comes by they just switch screens. You can also click on history on their internet and it will show you their browser history just like a computer will. If ours has been on anything unapproved, they have lost their ipad for the class period. If it continues, they will have more severe consequences which can lead to them losing the ipad all together.
Solution #5
If you catch them on Facebook or anything else they shouldn't be on, they lose their iPad. When we are in the computer lab at school and I see a student on a website they should be on, I give them a warning. If they do it again, they can't use the computer. Whatever assignment they need the computer for is now up to them to complete on their own time. They have to learn. To catch them stand in the back of the room or just go up to the iPad and look at the history on the browser. If they are using an app double click the home button and the last app used comes up.
Solution #6
I would say speak with your administrator about installing some software. My district has installed software called NetSupport that allows teachers to see what students are doing on their devices from his/her computer. Teachers also have the option to shut the students' devices down if need be.
Solution #7
maybe introduce a "stop. drop. and turn." policy where students have to stop what they are doing periodically and turn their screens towards you. Or, call out names of students. The ones that are doing something they are not supposed to usually do not pay attention. Also, don't forget to implement proximity control--check those tabs.
Solution #8
During times when you are using the iPads, perhaps have the students facing the same direction, so can stand where you can monitor the activity on them. Proximity is also important to prevent the students from wondering at all.
Solution #9
I would add to the procedures of student use of iPads that if they are caught on Facebook they will use their privilege to use iPads for a week and will also be written up.
Solution #10
I would take this up with administration as they should address it with IT and block it. There should be rules in place for the Ipads that the administration could address and spread to parents and students.