I have been using a flipped classroom this school year. As a middle school teacher, I have loved the function. I can post attachments (worksheets, etc.), assign quizzes, have the site post quizzes according to the standards I request, or post homework and discussion board topics. Additionally, the quizzes are graded and broken down as advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic for each standard tested. The names and grades are submitted via a report to the teacher. I can post videos or podcasts explaining, etc. This is a great resource. The question is can I make it a requirement for all students as they have the technology to use this resource?
If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this. This is a smart way to handle this situation.
I agree with this approach to the situation.
This is exactly how I would handle this situation.
Personally I wouldn’t want it as a requirement but instead more of a resource since technology can have issues and not all students might have the best internet connections or access.