I have a new student that is considered to have an emotional behavior disorder. His parents have been difficult to work with when getting this child the services he needs and often times turn them down. He is on grade level, however, he is falling farther and farther behind because of his behavior. He has a dedicated para in both his general and special education classes (sped class to work on social skills) and the dedicated para has to remove him from the room daily because he is throwing a "fit." Because of these daily "fits" and being removed from class, he is missing a lot of the assignments and very rarely makes them up when we send them home. The grading period is quickly coming to a close and we're at a loss for how to report his grades. He is on an IEP, however, it's for behaviors only, no academics. Do we report his grades the way they are which will result in a failing grade or give him 70's because he is on an IEP?
√This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
Something to consider.
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
Good idea.
This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.
Good idea.