Are computers the answer?

In today's society, the need for technology is really demanding. If you do not have a source of technology many people might consider you as being left behind. Mr. Green handed out an at home project to his 5th grade students that must be completed within two weeks. The project includes information that must be found from the internet. Not all of the students in Mr. Green's class have access to a computer. What should he do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Given that students have two weeks to complete the project, internet access should be a non-issue. In that time, students who may not have access at home do have access at the public library. If Mr. Green is concerned that the parents will not take the student to the library, he could allow affected students to work in his room or in the media center before school or during lunch to make sure they are given an opportunity to find the needed information.

Exactly. If internet access is needed for an assignment, it should be provided to them.

The resources at school are so helpful.

Solution #2
I work at a school where a vast amount of the students do not have internet access or even access to a computer at home. They also come from families where both parents work long hours to support the family. When I think of activities to have my students complete at home, I take that into consideration. While I think it is a great idea for the students to use the school's technology to complete the activity, I also think it would be a great idea for the teacher to not assign an activity that so many students may not be able to complete. I do think technology is an important aspect of contribution to today's society, but it may be an activity that students need to complete in the classroom.
Solution #3
Prior to the assignment, Mr. Green should take all possible outside factors into account. When assigning a project that requires computer access, teachers should be prepared to make modifications for learners who do not have access to technology. Perhaps in-class time or a trip to the computer lab to allow all students time to complete the project. Otherwise, the assignment should be modified or an alternate assessment should be available for students who do not have access to the necessary resources.
Solution #4
I would suggest that their be an alternative for other students that may not have access.Either time in class to use the computer lab or the library. He could even make this a 2 day thing for the entire class that way those students won't feel singled out.
Solution #5
When you give homework like this you have to allow students time to do it in class for those who don't have computers at home. Maybe take a survey of students who do and don't, and then privately discuss a solution with them such as coming in to the class during lunch to do it, or after/before school.
Solution #6
If he is requiring that all students find information that must be found on the Internet, he would need to ensure that students have time to work on the project in class where they have access to a computer. Whether it is designated that certain students are given access on certain days to make sure they have the same amount of time or something to that nature, he would need to give them time to work in school since its part of the requirement.
Solution #7
The solution I would give if it was still 2015 would be to give students days and time to work on their project in your class especially for those who do not have access to the correct technology at home. If there is not a set of classroom computers available to you, then I would try scheduling a time to go down to the media center and use their computer lab. Nowadays, students all have a school laptop provided to them.
Solution #8
I would approach the teacher and tell them I don't have access to internet at home. Maybe by making the teacher aware in a timely manor, she can help the student by giving them a little time in class or after school to use the internet.
Solution #9
Mr. Green could offer those students opportunities during the day at school (morning work, down time, recess, etc.) to complete the activity.
Solution #10
Mr. Green gave the students two whole weeks to do this project. This is plenty of time for the students to be able to complete it, even those who do not have a computer at home. Most students (even those in low income homes) have access to the internet. Most of their parents at the very least have a smart phone. Even ones that do not, they will have two whole weeks to ask to go to the computer lab/media center to do their research. I think children today need to learn how to solve day to day problems no matter what. If the situation dealt with college students, it wouldn't be a second thought. Children need to learn to ask teachers for help, parents, etc and learn to be responsible enough to get their work done. I think since this is a project that lasts 2 weeks it is completely acceptable to ask the students to do computer research. If it was a nightly homework assignment, I would feel otherwise.