Competitive Principal

At Mary's school, her principal constantly focuses on teacher competition. When teachers give benchmark tests, the principal creates a giant chart for display in the teacher work room. This chart, although names are removed, includes how teachers did in the different subgroups (gifted, white, black, low socio-economic status, students with disabilities, etc.) Do you think it is smart for this principal to encourage teachers competing against one another? Is this encouraging teachers to do better or encouraging them to be more independent and against sharing ideas and resources?

Solution #1
I do not think this is a good idea. I think that more than anything this fosters a negative work environment where teachers most definitely become competitive, because they want to be viewed as "the best." I think that this is one way to discourage team building and sharing strategies.
Solution #2
Instead of encouraging competition, I would suggest that the principal encourage collaborative sessions. At the high school level, each grade level in my English department is a team. Following common assessments, we (as a team, not as a display for the entire school) discuss strengths and weaknesses we see in our student test results. If one teacher's students performed really well in an area that other teachers' student failed to achieve in, then that teacher shares strategies for other group members to try. If the principal encouraged collaboration, the results would likely be better because teachers are sharing ideas and encouraging each other's success rather than trying to beat one another's scores.
Solution #3
I think that in the long run this is more ikely to lead to a lack of cooperation and team work in the school because the principle is glorifying the strengths of particular teachers. The business model of competition leading to innovation is intended to motive individuals, but the success of a school is a total team effort. Some people are motivated by competition but many others are motivated by other factors. To force competition onto everyone will likely result in disillusionment and conflict.

I agree I think its better for teachers to work collaboratively.

Solution #4
Teaching is a completely team-based profession. It is essential for teachers to be able to work together in order to teach efficiently. The principal should not have the teachers compete against one another, but instead reward them for doing well on these assessments.
Solution #5
Having experienced this first hand, I think it is a really bad idea. It leads to a very negative work environment. It is also frustrating when you look at how the classes are created and how they are "fair" or "not fair". There were absolutely no positive outcomes to this procedure. Most teachers are already giving everything they have and making them feel like they are not doing good enough does not help anything.
Solution #6
This is a bad idea. It effects teacher morale. I would suggest grade level collaboration to share strategies and discuss factors that may be negatively impacting the leaning environment. This type of collaboration will help teachers work together and increase teacher confidence.