Negative Nelly

A co-worker is constantly negative about everything. She never has anything positive to say. She is negative about her students, her co-workers, and her job. During collaboration time with the rest of the grade level teachers, she makes it extremely difficult for everyone to work together. What should I do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I would try to be positive as much as possible and try to let it rub off on her. She may need positive encouragement and coaching to think positively. She could be going through something and need someone to help her stay positive. If that doesn't work, I would simply remove yourself from conversations with her being honest and telling her that you don't want to be around so much negativity. She may not realize how negative she's coming across. During meetings, allow her 2 or 3 negative comments and then positive or no comments the rest of the meeting. I know that would be extremely awkward to do but in an extreme case it may help.

This is an excellent idea.

Yes, kill them with kindness. It will rub off on them eventually

I agree with this solution

Solution #2
I have had the same problem at times with my coworkers. As grade chair this year I just asked my team that we save those sorts of conversation for after our collab time. That way the teachers that wish to engage can stay and whine together but the rest of us can go about our day!

Collaboration time might be the time when another teacher can take negative situation that a teacher is dealing with and come up with a positive solution.

Solution #3
I am experiencing this right now and here's what I did to help. Attempt to foster a relationship to determine what underlying struggles she is experiencing. When I did this, I learned my colleague has many difficult life changes impacting her demeanor. I gave her my cell number and told her I was here for her. After that, her comments improved a bit and I felt comfortable gently calling her on things ("Surely there is one student who is doing the right thing") to make her aware of how she's coming across.

I like the personal touch and the effort you put forth to help her. Sometimes people need to be reminded of all the good things in life.

Solution #4
I am wondering if this teacher even realizes how negative she is coming across. If not, let her know and explain the effect this is having on others around her. Set a positive example for her. When she says something negative, show her how she can turn the situation around. I used to have a saying taped to my computer, "Be positive, or be quiet!" Not only did this remind me to not think or talk negatively, it also changed my demeanor and outlook to the day and I became someone more pleasant to be around.
Solution #5
I would speak with the co-worker about how it makes you feel. This could allow her to see how her actions affect others, prompting her to change. During collaboration, you could also have the other co-workers bring up how they feel in order to show her that it affects everyone.
Solution #6
Ever heard the saying kill them with kindness? Well for this situation you could kill them with being positive! Every time the teacher says something negative, redirect them by having them think or say something positive. Eventually this will become a habit for them to do and they won't have to force it.
Solution #7
Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done. I would share some positive vibes by creating happy thoughts for her.
Solution #8
I would try to overkill her negativity with your positivity. If that does not work, speak with a principal to discuss her attitude and how it affects you, other teachers, her students and her students parents. It is not effective for an educator to be negative especially to her students.
Solution #9
I would have a conversation with this co-worker. Although it may be awkward at first, it will hopefully benefit in the end.

I disagree with this solution

Solution #10
Play her a YouTube video on how her negativity can impact those around her or something to motivate her to be more positive.
Solution #11
This is a difficult situation. Collaboration time needs to e a time where teachers focus on what to do that is best for the students. This teacher may need to be reminded that the collaborative time is used for student improvement and not a time to focus on the negative aspects that they may see in the classroom.