Co-worker trying to tell me how to do my job

This year I was selected as the grade-level chairperson for Kindergarten. Another Kindergarten teacher, new to Kindergarten this year, has been a grade-level chair in first grade. She is constantly behind me "reminding" me to do things and telling me how she used to do things in first grade. How do I tell her that I can handle my responsibilities without coming across as being rude?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Ask her about her experience when she was grade level chair and she will more than likely tell you that she did not have someone to guide her and that is why she is "reminding you of things". Then in a polite way tell her that you have your way of discovering and learning things just like she did and you appreciate her wisdom and that you will come to her if you have any questions. She will hopefully understand and back down some. She is probably just trying to be helpful and doesn't realize that she is being overbearing.
Solution #2
Well that's never a great situation to be in. Maybe try to tell her you appreciate her help and experience but that you have your own way way of fulfilling the duties and you'd like to give it a try but if you ever need her you'll be sure to ask.
Solution #3
This is a tough one and it is something I have currently been dealing with. You have to come at her in a polite manner and tell her that you appreciate the support and you will be glad to come to her for any help, but to please allow you to figure things out yourself and respect your position.
Solution #4
It is always nice to have suggestions and support from co-workers, but sometimes too much can feel like they are overstepping or treating you like you don't know what you are doing. I would suggest talking to this teacher and telling them that although you appreciate their support, you know what you are doing and will come to them if you have any questions.
Solution #5
Kindly say, "thanks, I got this!" I will come to you if I have any questions!
Solution #6
I would tell her that you appreciate her suggestions when she tries to remind you on how to do things but say that you have your own way of doing things that work for you. You can also tell her that you will take some of her suggestions into consideration.
Solution #7
Thank her for her input and if that does not appeaser her, you might want to say something along the lines of "I appreciate your input, but I am confident in what I am doing. I appreciate knowing that I can come to you if I need to and if I do I will let you know."
Solution #8
She probably thinks she's helping you. If this is something that is truly irritating you, be direct. Let her know that it makes you feel that she doesn't have confidence in you as the grade-level chairperson. She'll most likely apologize, and you won't have to deal with it anymore. However, there is always the chance it could start some unneeded drama! Good Luck!