I have a student who's mother wants something ALL of the time. I am friends with this parent outside of school. We attend the same church. She also had my personal phone number prior to her son being in my class. She is constantly sending me texts and calling my phone after school hours while I'm at home spending time with my family. She has questions about her son school related things. How can I tell her to please contact me through my school email, school phone, or through the behavior sheet that is sent home daily? When I get home I do not want to be bothered with school stuff.
I think this is a great solution!
I like that suggestion, I would do that too.
I think the idea of sending out a general email to all parents is a good one.
I am concerned that the parent may get upset if I were to let their messages go unanswered.
I disagree, I think the mother will get the hint, work and personal time are separate.
I think this solution would work if you kept the communication during school hours only. If the mother ever questioned why you took so long since you are friends i would think you could just be honest and tell her that school communication has to be during school hours.