I once had a student whose parents were divorced. She lived part time with mom and part time with dad. This student didn't know if she was coming or going. She rarely had her homework and hardly ever returned things to school that needed to be brought back. This was not the child's fault. It was the fault of the parents because of a lack of communication. How do you handle a situation such as this? Do you punish the child for not being prepared and not returning things back to school signed?
I really liked how you involved the parents and had administration attend the conference. The parents together or apart are responsible for helping their child with schoolwork. By having the parents come in to the class they had to face the consequences of not being responsible.
This is a very thoughtful and thorough solution. It is very helpful.
This is a great solution.
You are right, it is not the student's fault. I like how you handled this situation to accommodate the student.
Agree, not the student's fault. involving the parents is a great idea
I liked the use of all the resources at the school in order to best help the student.
I would also not punish the student but reach out the parents pronto!
I would agree with this.
Yes, don't punish, the student has enough emotional baggage to handle.
Great idea!
Students are sent home with papers to have signed and or homework almost daily, this put the teacher emailing parents everyday. One reminder email about checking the school news either on line or in child's homework folder should be enough for parents to start paying attention to child's school work.
Not sure this solution really helps in fixing the issue at hand. There is no suggestion of punishing the child, simply working out a system that allows her to keep her things in order.