I was observing a class of first graders a few years back and the teacher had the students all sitting on the floor around her. She had them come up to the board one at a time and answer a math question. She would then ask the class if they thought the answer was right or wrong and they were supposed to be indicate by giving the child a thumbs up or thumbs down signal. I was student teaching then and it just struck a nerve in me that a first grade teacher would have an entire class giving a child thumbs down if they were wrong. This seemed very emotionally disturbing to me. Does anyone do this or find a problem with this with students that are so young?
I would do this as well, kids love to pick a friend to help them.
This is a great solution! Having a friend to help will relieve any pressure the student was feeling.
if I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.
Telling the child what they did wrong and then helping them fix it with positive feedback is always the best solution.