Student Teacher

I recently welcomed a student teacher into my classroom whom I am, as well as the students are, really enjoying. I have noticed however that the students like to play sides and ask the student teacher can they do certain things that they know they are not allowed to do; sharpen pencils in the middle of the day or retrieve something out of their backpacks after the morning announcements. I thought about giving the student teacher my classroom management plan to have him/her overlook so we can be on one accord, but have not gotten around to it. I have however mentioned to her some of the rules/ procedures in the classroom as well as addressed this manner with the students. I do not want to correct the student teacher in front of the students as I would like for them to respect and treat the student teacher as equally as myself. How do you all suggest I should handle this manner?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Student teachers need to know the real problems that happen in a classroom. Definitely talk to her seriously about it. I would mainly talk to the students as well though. You can do this in front of the student teacher. Your conversation could be about asking someone else if you can do something when you know another adult will say no. This is what children do with their parents as well. Talk to the kids about how it is disrespectful to the teacher and the student teacher because they are putting her in an awkward position. I had this situation before and when I told the kids those things I also added that (the student teacher) would never go against the classroom rules because she knows how important they are. This way the student teacher is not embarrassed but it is also a way to let her know your expectations. Once you have talked to her and the students if it still keeps happening, go to her supervisor.

Great idea.

Solution #2
It seems like the most appropriate thing to do is sit with your student teacher and discuss your classroom behavior plan. If she doesn't know to the full extent what you expect in your class, then it won't happen. It will also make things easier for you when the student teacher is not longer at school.

I agree with this.

Great idea.

Solution #3
Take the student teacher aside where there are no students and let them know what is going on. The student teacher may not even realize what the students are doing.

Great idea.

Solution #4
You should set aside time to sit down and talk to your student teacher and discuss your classroom management plan. Being a student teacher, I always want to follow my CT's lead. However, sometimes it is hard to do this, especially at the beginning of the internship. It would benefit you, your students, and your student teacher to discuss your policies and procedures.
Solution #5
This would be a situation to handle before or after school. You should talk to the student teacher and kindly remind them of how the classroom is managed. I'm sure they would be very understanding.
Solution #6
I would when the students are away or after school and inform the student teacher know how you feel. If the student cant answer the question accordingly then have the Student Teacher direct all questions to the teacher.
Solution #7
Before talking to the student teacher, I would talk to the students in the class and reiterate that the rules are the rules, and if the you set a specific rule or procedure than that is what they should follow no matter what. If this does not help the situation, then I would privately talk to the student teacher and make sure that you both are on the same page. Also allow the student teacher to express how she feels and work together to understand each other.
Solution #8
I would share all your classroom rules and procedures with the student teacher. Having a private meeting with the student teacher could greatly reduce any and all frustrations.
Solution #9
As a student teacher myself I know that there is a point of time during the beginning of the internship where in the student teacher does not understand the procedures of the classroom as they have not had enough time to observe the teacher/student interaction. Maybe on a day the student teacher is present reiterate the rules to the students as if it were the first day of class, and ask the student teacher to refer to you in regards to questions students have related to movement around the classroom. This way the student teacher can begin to learn the classroom management plan though observation until you have the time to sit down and instruct them on the exact content of your plan.
Solution #10
Definitely take the time to talk to this student teacher either before or after school one day. It is your classroom and important to be on the same page in terms of how everything is handled in the classroom. I would also not only walk the student through your classroom management plan, but also provide the student teacher with a copy.
Solution #11
It is not a bad thing to correct the student teacher in the classroom. They are there to learn. If they are not familiar with your classroom management, they will only continue to go against it. I would ask the student teacher to stay after school to go over the plan together and give expectations on how to respond to students in the future.
Solution #12
The student teacher needs access to the classroom management plan, so he/ she can get on the same page.

Great idea.

Solution #13
I would probably have the student teacher go over the classroom rules and procedure with the students so they are aware she knows what they are.

Great idea.