
What do you do when you inherit an IEP with too many goals to access? I feel that I am not able to teach because I am busy collecting data on their goals?

Solution #1
Top Solution
If you are a general education teacher, I would arrange a meeting with the ESEP (or whatever program your school uses) department head and try to come up with a solution that will be beneficial for all. That might include picking out the most important goals of the IEP, or at least recognizing those that are most attainable. Using all of your time to gather data on the goals is not benefitting anyone in the long run, and it's also hindering your ability to complete other tasks associated with your job.

I agree, the issue should be handled immediately so you can continue teaching your curriculum.

This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.

I like this idea.

Solution #2
The IEP needs to be amended. Maybe the case manager needs to work more closely with your department when making goals. During our IEP meetings, we discuss what goals can actually be assessed in the next course. We also discuss how goals can work together, so all year teachers can easily work on the goal(s).

This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.

Solution #3
Define with the committee the studnet's true weak areas. For example, if they struggle with math and writing, then they should only have goals for those two areas. Meet with the committee, parents and students, and amend the IEP. Set goals that you know you will be working on with the student and that you know they should be able to master within the next several months. If they can master the goal you put in place, then you can amend again and move on to another item they may need to be working on.

This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.

Solution #4
Anytime I feel like something in an IEP needs to be changed, I would schedule and IEP amendment meeting. This way you can change whatever needs changing and best meet the needs of all the students in your class.

This is a very good and detailed response. Great idea.

Solution #5
The IEP should be amended in order to create a positive effect for the student, rather than negative. Discussing with the case manager, parents, and student which goals need to be addressed now could also help. Prioritizing the goals could help you focus on two of them at a time to really help the student achieve their goals. After they have been met, move on to the next two until all of the goals are met.
Solution #6
I agree with the solutions here. Identifying the students true weaknesses, setting a new meeting to help refine the goals would be best.