
When a child exceeds allowed absences, shows to school in dirty clothes, and fails in every content area due to missed work, not lack of capability, at what point does the issue go to court? The school counselor reported the issue to the district's social worker. The parent was contacted and communicated that she wanted to give up rights to her children. The worker talked the parent out of doing so. The child is still absent several times every month. At what point is the law being broken? And what is the next step?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I do not know what the exact law is, as that is not my job as a teacher. As a teacher, I report to guidance and an administrator, who are charged with taking the case through the proper channels. If the teacher is concerned that the case is not proceeding at an acceptable rate of speed, then he/she should continue to share concerns with guidance counselors and administrators.

Always talk to administrators and guidance counselors about what is going on. Great suggestion!

I agree, your job is not to enforce any law. Pass all that along to administration and counsellors for help.

I agree!

Solution #2
Check with your counselor on the law itself. In Georgia, there is a certain number of absences before a court order can be made. Our system does have a resource officer that will visit the home with the school counselor to find out the situation. If needed, the resource officer will pick up the student and bring him or her to school and home.


Solution #3
I have always learned that as a teacher it is not just my job to teach but we are held liable to report when we think there may be something wrong. Of course you should follow all the correct 'channels' but ultimately it is important to see this through to the end
Solution #4
This is a difficult one, maybe you should express to the social worker that it is still occuring.
Solution #5
Involve social work, guidance, and administration immediately. Depending on the area where you teach you are required to contact DCFS if any student's quality of life is being harmed. I feel the guidance consular did not have the proper qualifications to talk the mother out of making her decision- trained and qualified individuals specifically for these issues should assist in the solution.
Solution #6
In my district,in regards to absences, the school sends a letter after three unexcused tardies or absences, we follow up. After 10 absences the social worker gets involved and the parents have to meet for a conference with the school social worker. As the classroom teacher, make sure that you have all documentation in regards to student absences, apperance, behavior, and the amount of work missed and the content and level of importance. Also keep a parent contact log showing when you have tried to get in contact with the parent. You should be involved in the initial meeting. The point of this meeting is to talk with the parent and come up with a plan of action. In your case, it is unsettling that the parent wanted to give up rights and was talked out of it,but it seems in this talking out of it, no plan was set in place ,because the child is in the exact same situation. In my district at that point the courts, social workers, dfacs would definitely be involved. On your end, just document everything. We are mandated reporters,so If you feel the child is neglected, you can also place a call.