For a student with an Emotional Behavioral Disorder IEP, we are not allowed to write discipline referrals on their behavior since it is considered to be congruent with their disability. When these students are disruptive and not meeting their IEP goals, what measures should be taken with having discipline referrals as an option?
In order for a BIP to be created there must be extensive amount of data collected prior to the BIP even being written. Once a BIP is written it is the SPED teacher's job to make sure all teachers who are in contact with that student have a copy of the BIP. Also, if the student has a BIP it must be implemented in order to see how successful the BIP is.
This is a great solution.
Right. We want the student to get the help they need and be mainstreamed as soon as possible.
The admin team may want to stay clear from referrals because of the possibility of a manifestation determination. This is where the IEP team will meet to decide whether or not the student's actions are because of their disability.