Transitioning from Standards Based to Numerical Grades

Going from second to third grade is such a big transition. Up until now, students and parents have only been exposed to one form a grading, which is standards based. All of a sudden, the work load changes, and they way students are assessed is more intense. For some, this is the first time a parent may see a F on their child's assignment, or report card, in their entire life. What are some ways to make this transition a bit smoother?

Solution #1
Last year, my former high school went from traditional grading to standards based grading. This was such a change for parents and students, that we had to put basically two grades on all assignments, It was not that much more effort on my part to put two grades or to have rubrics with both standards based grades ad traditional grades so it is clear for students and parents what the grade represents. It cut down on so many students asking me questions about their grade and maybe it would help parents understand the grades.

I am actually interested in finding out more about standards based report cards/grading. I really want our district to move to this form because I feel that showing a student's mastery of the standard instead of whether they received a 89 is much more of a benefit.

Solution #2
Under standards-based grading, you could try a hybrid system. You could try assigning your standards-based grading feedback a number that is between 0 and 100. I really do not like this, but it does connect with parents better. Just a little background about myself, I am on the district's standards-based grading council in a district that does use standards-based grading for K-12. We assign a 100 for complete mastery, an 89 for good but not able to teach the standard, a 75 for learning but still needs improvement for mastery, and a 60 for a lack of mastery.

This is a good idea.

Solution #3
I've heard of going from A-F to Standards transition... Never the opposite. Usually, teachers have to explain that a 1-4 scale is not the same as a F-A. 4s are not As. Some standards are harder for certain students while others may be easier. Some standards may not be taught yet and they'll be set at a 1 automatically. I would have to remind parents of the meaning behind each 'grade.' 1 is struggling/not yet taught 2 is starting, not yet mastered 3 is mastered 4 is above and beyond mastery
Solution #4
I would say maybe sending a news letter home before assignments start getting graded. Explain the point system and what an A assignment looks like and what an F assignment looks like. This will give the parent a guide to help the student and explain why they earn what they do when work starts coming home.