We have started implementing retests at my school. If students make below a 70, they have the option to retest. Many feel as though a lot of retests would be fluffing the grade, for once they master that standard, we eliminate that low grade and only count the higher one. Is this the right mindset?
I teach fifth grade. I allow very few retests because I don't feel retests are fair to other students. Many times, if a student knows he/she can retest, they will not study and try their best the first time. When a student does take a retest in my classroom, I average the first grade and the second grade to get a final grade. I believe this is the fairest way to handle retests, instead of simply dropping the lowest grade.
I agree with this statement and allowing students not to retest because they may not study the first time.
I like your explanation for your solution. I think test corrections is a better approach compared to re testing multiple times.