When is it Time to Move On?

This is my third year teaching, and third year at my school. I really love the students and the overall community vibe the teachers and staff give off. Last year was rough, but this year is getting better. If presented with a good opportunity, how do I know it is time to leave my school? How do I prepare myself for interviews?

Solution #1
Top Solution
You will know when it is time to make that transition. If you are still having doubts, them maybe it is not quite time. I recently transferred from one county to another being that I knew and felt it was time to go. You prepare by looking at the county of your choice website, reading their mission statement and philosophy and understand how you can support that if chosen to be apart of that county. Being that you are currently enrolled in graduate courses is also a great way to prepare for interviews as you are already up on the latest trends in education. Good luck!

Study, study, study! You have to do your research to know what opportunities you have. Always do your homework! :)

Studying is a great way to be prepared.

Solution #2
I would say the best indicator to move on is when you start feeling undervalued as a professional. If you've talked to your supervisor in how to better your experience as a teacher and there are no results, then it is time to move on.
Solution #3
Weigh the pros and the cons. If the pros out weigh the cons take the leap.
Solution #4
This is definitely a situation where you must decide if the pros outweigh the cons. If you are happy at the school and enjoy the community and the staff, one rough year cannot damper that. If it is time to leave the school for a better opportunity you will know.
Solution #5
each year will present new stresses and obstacles. I do not feel this is grounds to quit especially bc most of what you say about the school is positive. Weighing the pros and cons of the school when faced with a new job opportunity is a way to see if its time to leave or not. In this case I would say no, you may trade a few negatives for bigger ones. The grass isn't always greener.
Solution #6
you know it’s time to move on from a job when you feel like there is no more room to grow or if the job is staying the same. to prepare for future interviews, i would read up on interview questions & have the answers already in your head
Solution #7
Always make yourself available to any open situations
Solution #8
I having the same problem. I love the people I work with, but I wonder if it is time for a change. My plan is to look at the transfer list and decide from there if it is best for me to move on or stay where I am.

It's always challenging to make these moves because you don't really know what positions are available. Many times they post openings where they already have a person in mind.