I work at a school where sports are emphasized in a major way. Students leave early for games on a fairly regular basis, and to make up for this, Tuesday is a make-up day for student athletes. It is unofficial and not enforced by the administration but most teachers stay late this day to allow students to make up work they may have missed. The set-up works out great, until. Until a coach comes, like one did to me, and demands the student come away from making up a test and come to practice. The coaches are also co-workers, and one would think they'd understand the emphasis on academics but that often seems to be over-shadowed by the importance of athletics. The question is, how would you handle it, if a co-worker (who also happened to be a coach) came to your room during a tutoring/make up time, and demanded the student-athlete leave early to come to practice?
I agree. This has to be handled in a multi-pronged way.